Wednesday, November 17, 2010

That smile

Title: That smile

Date: Jun 2010

Location: Thai-Myanmar Border

Being young

Title: Being young
Date: Jun 2010
Location: Thai-Myanmar Border


Title: Grateful
Date: Jun 2010
Location: Thai-Myanmar Border

You should hear what they sing each time before the meal. Their gratefulness to those that have helped to make each meal possible......nature, parents, etc.....

Learning to be independent

Title: Learning to be independent
Date: Jun 2010
Location: Thai-Myanmar Border

At her age, most children would be studying and having fun. For her, she is studying and learning basic skills to prepare her for the future. Sometimes different circumstances calls for different approach, what may be irrelevant in our society could work in another environment.

Old man and his dog

Title: Old man and his dog

Date: Jun 2010

Location: Thai-Myanmar Border


Title: Cute
Date: Jun 2010
Location: Thai-Myanmar Border


Title: Me

Date: Jun 2010

Location: Thai-Myanmar Border

That was me one year ago......